Information about #4330D5 color

#4330D5 color image

Basic facts about this digital color

HEX #4330D5 color has no name.

HEX color code #4330D5 represent the color in hexadecimal format by combining three values – the amounts of Red, Green and Blue (RGB).

The RGB values of this color are 67, 48, 213 ( rgb(67, 48, 213) ). That means #4330D5 color is composed of 26.3% of Red, 18.8% Green and 83.5% Blue. The color #4330D5 belongs to the Red. It features Desaturated and Dim. Its RGB composition is 67, 48, 213 ( rgb(67, 48, 213) ), which breaks down into 26.3% of Red, 18.8% Green and 83.5% Blue. For printing (non digital worls), it is represented in CMYK as